nedelja, 21. december 2008

From Tervueren to Nakednuren and other stuff december I know...folks were busy...(I always say that...but is true!!!)...

This time I decided to lost the coat in september and present the new breed of Belgians to my friends - the Nakednuren.

See - a Tervuerenand... presenting THE NAKEDNUREN (just a few months later)
and another one
I`m getting back to Tervueren now :).

We finished with the B-Bh training and a month of rain kept us away from the agility field. We will start again with both in the spring.
But we will do some agility till then (as the vet said I can run and jump as nothing ever happened) if only the weather will let us.

Here you can find a video of our B-Bh training, I`m also on the film :).
Yp, we sometimes made our folks beg us for mercy :P ... to see what I`m talking about just watch the video ;)

Another thing: Emily is still here...I don`t think she is going anywhere...she is growing like crazy and we are really good mates. She is changing the teeth right now and I discovered I want to be a dentist when I grow up - till than I`ll take care of Emily`s teeth and her mouth higiene.

I really like her...well maybe I like her better when she is not stealing my food and toys...she really is my little sister.
That` s her - almost 5 months
In the foto together:

A little tervuerenbear and a nakednuren

and a not that little tervuerenbear and a tervueren (almost)
And here we are with our friends Drum and Zhiva

Here is a video of what St. Nicholaus brought us :). Is sooo we wait for Santa Claus...I`m curiouse to see what will get under the tree...

I`m I clever or what?!...Emily is screaming from the bedroom...if I post the next video you can see Emily resolving the "dog fighter" and can hear me screaming from the bedroom...

Uros now has a new camera so expect a lot of new pics ;)
Till later :)

petek, 10. oktober 2008

I`m a wild child

Petra says I`m getting wild lately...hmmm...maybe...but is soooooooooooooo fuuuuuuuun.

petek, 26. september 2008

I have a roomie!!!

On Friday my new roomie moved in...hmmm...her name is Blissful Spirit of Ecstasy...what a name...but they call her Emily - Emi...

She is a little brat but well let`s keep it between us - I really like her, she is a grear company...but...shhhh...don`t tell her.

So, here she is:

I make sure she is educated properly:
...she has some growing up to do if she wants to keep up with me...she gets tired already after one hour of chasing, jumping and running :P


well...see you later I`m really busy puppysitting...

petek, 5. september 2008

Action pictures

I can see that I`m not really keeping promises....but is hard to get the computer free in these days.

Here are some pictures of my friends...I still don`t have any pics of Naja, but here is CocoLoco and Dru again and of course my favourite Blu.
My best best friend Drum:

- teaching the Border Collie how to behave (belgian style) ;)

Running all day long after the frisbee with Drum

Playing with CocoLoco, he is really Loco :) but now he is on vacation...

Here are some nice action pictures we took this summer. As the fall is coming we are busier than never, starting obedience again (this time preparing for BBH exam), agility and...puppy will see why very very soon ;)

So here are the pics...ready?!...really!?

Go, go, go!!!
Ruuuun on the water!!!

Blu too!!!
Run on a field!!!killing the rope
The foot trick ;)
the ostrich trick
and...chilling in the fontain with my friend...just getting ready for another round!!!


ponedeljek, 4. avgust 2008

Some catching up from May till August

Ufff long time no see... so I have to catch up and update you about my adventures :).

Health first!
My leg is super fine. I can walk normally, run normally and stand normally. You cannot really tell if you don`t know :).

Than weather.
Hot hot hot....I tried another kind of fashion this year - after being in bikini as a nakednuren all winter I decided it was time to put on quite some coat :D, but with 30°C I decided to switch the coat...well not yet with bikini but may be for some shorts :). Bikini will come later again this year.

Middle of July I completed my Rally Obedience training - we are starting back in autumn with agility too :D.
Keeping the training also during the summer time. After the traning we play together with my friends Essy the little schnawzer, Drum the Border collie and Zhiva the Weimeraner, Maxi Jack Russel terier and Naja the Labrador retriever :). Unfortunately I don`t have pics of all but I promise to introduce them shortly.

Here are Essy, Drum and Zhiva:


Drum and Zhiva

The last week of July we went on our first vacation in Bohinj. It was GREAT!!!

In the cable railway to Vogel

High in the mountains:

Which way should we go?

What a view!!!

Uau, that`s much better than mountain climbing

Runing around all day, chasing the water and stones in it

But the best thing on vacation is cuddeling on the beach

So that`s a long story very short...some more new in a few days :) (I promise)

petek, 2. maj 2008

Metal plate removed and hips x-rayed

So...the title says it all.

I had another surgery :(. This time they took the metal plate and the 9 screws that were keeping it on my leg out.

The operation went very well (Petra was worried sick), now is already the 10th day after it and I`m feeling much much better.
On monday the stitches are coming off but the vet said I should have my leg immobilized for a while, as I am a wild girl (the third day I was running on three legs and using the fourth one as a brake on curves).

As I was already under anastezia they x-rayed my hips. They are both HD A :), so that`s a good news.

I am getting better a little bit impatient of being completly well :)

ponedeljek, 28. april 2008

New photos

Some new pics of me :) all taken by Uros

playing with the frisbee (I`m lovin it :))

doing the "up" trick

totally out of coat but still beautiful :)

playing with my second favourite cat

running around the woods; having fun on our loooong walks

looking at Petra (she might have something very good in the pocket)

Next time meet my friends Drum (a border collie) and Coco Loco (the chinese crested dog)

torek, 18. marec 2008

Keeping busy


A lot was going on in the last few weeks.

I was baby-sitter :). I was really proud of my task and I was doing a great job :).

My protegee was Drum. A border collie of two months, and I must say she really needed some Belgian Tervueren education :)

Petra said that I was acting more like a puppy than Drum was...but she didn` t know it was my secret method.

1. you have to hide all of your toys
2. you have to chase her around the apartment until she falls down
3. never let her eat you bones and chewing stuff - you have to remove them from her mouth immediately
3. you have to eat all the food they give you

Because is was so exact in following the upper rules I gained some weight - from 14 now I have 15 kg. Finally I`m not all bones ;).

Me and Petra started with some agility training - the slalom. They say it`s the most difficult obstacle in agility to learn, but I`m having a great time doing it.

I`m doing a little frisbee catching too :). That`s really great. I took a while for me to figure it out but now I`m catching it at the speed of light - although Petra is careful and she is throwing the frisbee in such a way that I don`t have to jump (because of my leg - you know).

Regarding my leg. Some not so great news...I need an operation. They have to take the metal plate out...probably next week already. So I will be taking some time off before I get completly well and we can forget about this nasty accident that spoiled Petra`s plans...

We started RO training again and I`m loving it. We plan to keep on with the easy training while I recover from the operation. Petra says that keeping in touch with other dogs (even if not working so seriously will help me get over the thing.

However the vet said that once the metal plate is out and the holes are OK i will be able to jump and run normally.
I really hope so.

petek, 29. februar 2008

Finnaly some action

Wow, finnaly Petra is trough with her stuff so I can get to the computer again.

Although I didn`t write anything for almost 3!!! weeks this doesn`t mean we didn`t do anything.

One morning Petra and Uros had a flash and said let`s go on a walk near the sea. Yuuuuuupiiiiiii.
We picked up Blue in Skofije and hit the road.

Me and Blu really enjoyed running up and down the beach, chasing each other :)

Splashing around, save the little poor stick
teasing Blue

more and more
yeeeeeeeeeey after the wild chase up and down the beach - we are still friends ;)
Ooooooo yes I almost forgot; our new family member is: Kikiri :) - Linky`s roomate :)

A new friend is coming to Trzin this friday - I can`t wait too meet her :)

torek, 19. februar 2008

Doing a little obedience and having fun with Uros

Yes...I know...its been a while since I`ve wrote anything on the blog. But is soooo hard to get to the computer this days as Uros and Petra are always working...

So Petra promised me that her work will be over in a week - so I expect her to make it up too me with some agility.

But I must say that I`m still insisting on taking them for a walk several times a day and enjoying a sunny weekend outside (at least till is sunny).

On a sunny Sunday we went to our training field and did some agility training, some slalom and some obedience repetition.

I started to do slalom...but I don`t have it on tape because I hit the cameraman (Uros) with the ball (you know where) accident of course.
Luckily Petra managed to stay in one piece, so was able to tape me and Uros having fun :)

Next time...I`ll tell you about our new family member ;)

ponedeljek, 4. februar 2008

We were in Padova

Yesterday we went to Padova, well Sandra took us. There was a special show for belgians with a breed specialist Thevenon :).

I had to take a bath a few days before...I was so extremlly muddy in those days running around the wood and splashing into all the pools I could find :D

In the bath-tub

being wet is fuuuuuuun, runing around the apartment with a towel is even more fuuuun :)

Than we went first to Sandra`s place - uuu I liked the company, specially my friend Dakota :)
In the morning we packed our things and Sandra took me, Savannah, Navajo and my two people to Padova.

The place was big and clean, not so crowdy as Ljubljana was.

The judge however took his time in his judging. I was a really a good girl, behaving, although I was bored out of my mind...I don`t like being on a`s really dull :P.

Luckily there was someone that shared my wildness and willing to play - my stepbrother Lasco :) - we got along immediatly - and you can really tell we have a daddy in common :)

thaaaat was fun Yeeeeeey :)

I had to go in the ring once, lucky me, the only fun thing there was running with Petra. Poor Petra had to go in at least 10 times. She did some km in there ;) - she will be more fit so she can run with me outside ;)

Me running

The judge liked me, however he said I look too younger that I`m and I need some more time to become a real lady.
So Petra decided that we will wait to see if I would get any older looking ;) till than we will have more fun elswhere :)