petek, 5. september 2008

Action pictures

I can see that I`m not really keeping promises....but is hard to get the computer free in these days.

Here are some pictures of my friends...I still don`t have any pics of Naja, but here is CocoLoco and Dru again and of course my favourite Blu.
My best best friend Drum:

- teaching the Border Collie how to behave (belgian style) ;)

Running all day long after the frisbee with Drum

Playing with CocoLoco, he is really Loco :) but now he is on vacation...

Here are some nice action pictures we took this summer. As the fall is coming we are busier than never, starting obedience again (this time preparing for BBH exam), agility and...puppy will see why very very soon ;)

So here are the pics...ready?!...really!?

Go, go, go!!!
Ruuuun on the water!!!

Blu too!!!
Run on a field!!!killing the rope
The foot trick ;)
the ostrich trick
and...chilling in the fontain with my friend...just getting ready for another round!!!


1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Great pictures! You have such beautiful dogs. And so very talented, it appears!