torek, 19. februar 2008

Doing a little obedience and having fun with Uros

Yes...I know...its been a while since I`ve wrote anything on the blog. But is soooo hard to get to the computer this days as Uros and Petra are always working...

So Petra promised me that her work will be over in a week - so I expect her to make it up too me with some agility.

But I must say that I`m still insisting on taking them for a walk several times a day and enjoying a sunny weekend outside (at least till is sunny).

On a sunny Sunday we went to our training field and did some agility training, some slalom and some obedience repetition.

I started to do slalom...but I don`t have it on tape because I hit the cameraman (Uros) with the ball (you know where) accident of course.
Luckily Petra managed to stay in one piece, so was able to tape me and Uros having fun :)

Next time...I`ll tell you about our new family member ;)

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