Almost a year passed before my "mummy" decided that is time for me to get my very own blog.
So I have to catch up a little bit but I`ll be brief as I can be.
I`m a tervueren lady of long legs, pedi name Xiting (pronounced as Exciting) van Moned, but my family here calls me Saia. I`m 14 months old now (already!!!) and in a few day, a year will pass, since my Uros and Petra picked me up at the van Moned kennel and we flew together to Slovenia, where I live now. I know that they are both grateful too Monique and her family for welcoming them and for letting them have me :).
I was and I still am a wild child (the wildest in the litter), ready for action every minute of the day and night ;) I`m full of crazy ideas that makes my parents laugh and sometimes even a little bit scared. I also like to be cuddled and I love my special time with Petra and Uros when I come to cuddle on the bed in the morning.
Growing up I had wonderful puppy-sitteres - Maja and Tomi and their Lyna and Nisa. When I was little Petra and Uros didn`t want to leave me alone for too long. We played a lot and were best friends :).
Me and Nisa :)

I attended puppy school at the age of 3 months till 6 months and did the best of class on the final exam.
Uros and Petra had a wonderful teacher who helped them with the clicker training so they could show me what they wanted from me in a fun way :).
At the end of puppy school we tried some puppy agility with Petra to see if I liked that and I loved it.
In May they took me to a lovely outdoor show - I was still a baby and I got very promising :)
A good start ;).
Than summer came I was looking like bat with no coat at all and my ears were waaay too big for my little head, but Petra told me everyday what a cutie I was and still am.
I saw the sea a couple of times already in winter, with my best groenendeal mate Blue but i did not enjoy swimming as much as he did. Well that changed quickly when I saw a poor drowning stick that had to be rescued. Now nobody keeps me out of the water :).
At the age of nearly 9 months (on the 21 st of July) I had a terrible accident while playing football with Uros. I jumped after a ball on the nearest field (where we played everyday), landed badly and broke my front leg.
Petra and Uros rushed me to the to the best veterinary clinic right away where I had to stay for three days - they took very good care of me (specially Martin that allowed Petra and Uros to come and stay with me for a couple of hours everyday).
It was a really sad and difficult time for everybody.
After the operation we had some regular check-up to do and at the end of September my leg was healed.
As we could not do agility and I was bored, coming up with some destructive ideas so Petra and Uros decided we should do something to keep me busy, so we started with Rally Obedience that brought back some serious activity in my life. It was fun and I did great so we decided to continue in the spring (now we have a winter holidays) on the next level.
My leg is fine now, although I sometimes limp a little bit, because as the vet said the metal plate in obstructing my mussels so now Uros and Petra are collecting courage for another operation and take the metal plate out.
Despite everything I`m a brave, happy little doggie, growing up loving everyone around me.
So this is for now. Come and check in a few days again, my one year story certainly is not only that long ;).
1 komentar:
Really nice story... tho' it's not just a story :-) nice to remember how wonderful it was watching you growing up. And Saia... don't ever forget - your friends will always be your friends, even if you don't see them as often as you did in the past... so, Nisa will be happy to see you again (you know Nisa... she just need some time) ;-)))
Kisses from Lyna and Nisa
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